The Fabius Township Planning Commission will be meeting on January 31, 2023. During this meeting a public hearing will to hear comments about the prospoed solar regulations to be included in the Fabius Township Zoning Ordinance.
TO: The Residents and Property Owners of Fabius Township, St. Joseph County, Michigan, And Any Other Interested Persons:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Fabius Township Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on January 31, 2023 commencing at 7:00 p.m. at the Fabius Township Hall located at 13108 Broadway Road, Three Rivers, MI 49093. The items to be considered at this public hearing/meeting include proposed Solar Energy amendments to the Township Zoning Ordinance as follows:
SECTION I AMENDMENT TO SECTION 46.3 “DEFINITIONS”. Definitions of various solar energy words and phrases; such as “Building-Integrated Solar Energy System”; Large Solar Energy System”; “Maximum Tilt” and MANY others are added.
SECTION II AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE VII “SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS OF THE FABIUS TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE”. Provides that “Large Scale Solar Energy Systems” may only be located in an overlay zone established via map.
SECTION III AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE VI “SPECIAL LAND USES”. Adds “Large Scale Solar Energy Systems” as a special use to the Special Land Use Article of the Ordinance. Provides application and escrow fee requirements. Establishes standards, setbacks, and height limitations for solar arrays, lot coverage limitations and other requirements related to the special use. Requires screening and security around Large Scale Solar Energy Systems. Sets forth standards for decommissioning, including the obligation for continuing security. A development agreement may be required. Approval of a Large-Scale Solar Energy Special Exception Use is for one year, during which construction must be commenced. Allows the township to inspect the installation; and requires the operator to submit annual reports to the planning commission. Standards for site plan approval are contained in this Section. The operator shall also submit an operational plan.
SECTION IV AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE III “ZONING DISTRICTS AND MAP”. The solar overlay district and map are established by this Section. Large Scale Solar Energy Systems can only be placed within the solar overlay district. A map of the solar overlay district is provided.
SECTION V AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE VII “SMALL SCALE NON-UTILITY RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL USE SOLAR REGULATIONS”. Sets forth requirements and standards for Accessory Use Small Scale Solar Energy Systems. Application standards for such use are provided which address such things as glare, installation permanency, underground power lines, abandonment and removal of the Accessory Use Small Scale Solar Energy System. Provides for and defines Building-Mounted solar energy collectors; solar-thermal systems; and ground-mounted solar energy collectors. Sets a maximum number of collectors for residential, agricultural, commercial and industrial uses. Sets a maximum size for installations in each category of use. A minimum lot area of 2 acres is required, as is screening.
SECTION VI EFFECTIVE DATE AND REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. The Ordinance is effective on the eighth day following publication, following adoption. All conflicting ordinances or provisions are repealed.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the full text of this Ordinance has been posted at the Township Hall, 13108 Broadway Road, Three Rivers, Michigan and on the Township’s website at and may further be examined or obtained by contacting the Township Clerk or Zoning Administrator at the address and telephone number listed below.
Carol Wilkins, Clerk
13108 Broadway Rd.
Three Rivers, MI 49093
Doug Kuhlman, Zoning Administrator
(269) 651-3130